
Jul 12, 2009

A first for everything

Although this really doesn't feel like a first. Actually it feels more like I've reverted to the days of Xanga. Anybody remember those days? ;) I figured I would eventually set up a blog for my tales of Uruguay and other adventurous places anyway, so why not just do it now? That way all of you get to suffer with me through the toils of discovering all 6 papers worth of info on where I'll be going, before I ever get there. =D Aren't you thrilled?
This week I'm off to YFN---one of my favorite places in the world. I'm excited to see what happens this week--and I'll try to update afterward, if for no other reason than that I need to get in the habit.

So, good night all. Welcome to my little cyber abode. =)


  1. I'm glad to see you blogging. Now we can keep up with each other again!

  2. And now I have a blog too :-) I've been dying to write recently, and so I figured it was about time. Ever notice how you go through stages and phases in life? We used to do this on Xanga. Now we have blogs. Anyways. Have an awesome time on your trip!

  3. I remeber Xanga!! Quite well actually.
